HPV Vaccine Is Available But It Is Still Hard To Fight Against Cervical Cancer

HPV Vaccine Is Available But It Is Still Hard To Fight Against Cervical Cancer

We are living in the 21st century, and our medical science has developed to that extent that can provide us with proper cures and guidelines to defend against any disease but still, we are frightened of cancer. National Cancer Institute claimed in 2022 that almost 9.7 million deaths occurred due to cancer worldwide and they suspect that this number can be increased to 15.3 million by 2040.

Every cancer can be turned into fatal but in the case of cervical cancer, most of the cases remain undiagnosed till a certain stages. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is mostly responsible for cervical cancer and the surprising fact is that the HPV vaccine is available on the market. Still, according to WHO, around 35 lakh patients died of cervical cancer all over the world and around 66 lakh new cases of cervical cancer have been diagnosed till 2022.

How Papillomavirus are responsible for cervical cancer?

The Human Papillomavirus is a member of the Papovaviridae family. Along with cervical cancer, it can also increase the risks of vulvar, vaginal, anal, penile, oropharyngeal, head, and neck cancer in humans. HPV can cause the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI), it can even affect humans through skin-to-skin contact or bad hygiene during the period of women.

Papillomavirus is a double-stranded DNA virus, it possesses infection primarily but if it remains non-treated for a long time, it promotes cell proliferation and leads to genomic instability and the accumulation of somatic mutations. Then cancer cells replicate, divide, and cause infected cell multiplication. This is how abnormal cells grow in the cervix and develop cervical cancer day by day.

How can anybody realize that she is suffering from cervical cancer?

In most of the cases, the symptoms of cervical cancer appear lately. Everybody should consult with any gynecologist if she experiences these signs & symptoms:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Bleeding in between periods or heavy bleeding
  • Excessive vaginal discharge or vaginal discharge with a bad odor with a yellowish or reddish color
  • Post-menopausal bleeding

Who are at high risk of cervical cancer?

 According to the Centers for Disease Control, almost 90% of cervical cancer is caused by Human Papillomavirus directly. American Cancer Society indicated some risk factors for cervical cancer –

  • Became sexually active at an early age
  • Having multiple sexual partners
  • History of smoking
  • Weak body immune system
  • Chlamydia infection, Chlamydia is a common bacteria that infects the reproduction system. It is also a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD).
  • Long-term use of oral contraceptives (Birth control pill)
  • Having multiple full-term pregnancies
  • Full-term pregnancy at an early age
  • Poor hygiene during the menstrual period

How HPV vaccine can prevent cervical cancer?

Most of the vaccines are produced by live attenuated viruses or dead cells of the same virus. HPV vaccine is developed by using the surface component of Papillomavirus. If it is injected before getting infected, the immune system will produce antibodies against the virus. Later, if anybody gets infected by the same virus, existing antibodies will be activated and start deactivating virus cells.


Cervical cancer is very fatal and can deteriorate a patient’s condition at any point in their happy life. FDA has approved anybody can vaccinated with the HPV vaccine till 9 to 45 years of age. If you are not vaccinated and feel the symptoms of cervical cancer, without delay take a colposcopy or cancer screening test and consult with your healthcare expert.

Pharmacologist I Researcher Research Coordinator Working site: Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, Rajshahi, Bangladesh Toxicology Society of Bangladesh