Gestational Diabetes: Nothing To Worry, Proper Management Is Necessary

Gestational Diabetes: Nothing To Worry, Proper Management Is Necessary

Pregnancy is the most beautiful part of a woman’s life. During pregnancy, a woman goes through several episodes of good a bad both physical and mental events. Among them, gestational diabetes is one of irritating experiences that a woman can ever face. To be clear, gestational diabetes is not a permanent health issue, it must managed during pregnancy. After pregnancy, with appropriate management, the victim might get back into normal life.

What is gestational diabetes and why it happens?

Gestation refers to the term “pregnancy”, it can be noticed first time during pregnancy. It can occur at any time during pregnancy but the first and third trimesters are more susceptible to gestational diabetes. As we discussed earlier, with proper management, gestational diabetes can be cured but unconcerned attention towards this subject might convert it into type-II diabetes.

Again, nothing to worry about, Up to 10% of women undergo gestational diabetes in the United States according to reports. Unlike Type-I or Type-II diabetes, gestational diabetes does not occur due to a lack of insulin production by pancreatic β cells, several hormones are associated with controlling pregnancy like estrogen, cortisol, and human placental lactogen which can suppress insulin to break down blood glucose and convert it into energy.

Which factors can increase the risk of gestational diabetes?

Before pregnancy, a woman first needs to prepare both mentally and physically for it. Mental dissatisfaction or stress can increase the risks of gestational diabetes, again, a few more risk factors are associated with gestational diabetes:

  • Obesity
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) > 30 kg/m2
  • Family history of diabetes
  • History of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • History of High blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease or other complications
  • Age factor is risky if you do not maintain a healthy life only. Over 40-year-old women can face gestational diabetes but with unhealthy lifestyles, women aged more than 25 can also in risk.
  • Race can be a risk factor; especially for South Asian, American, African, and Middle Eastern even by born UK residents are also at risk of gestational diabetes.

What symptoms can make your healthcare provider think that you are suffering from gestational diabetes?

  • Excessive thirst
  • Increase of micturition
  •  Tiredness
  • Dry mouth
  • Sometimes blurred eyesight

How gestational diabetes can complicate pregnancy?

  • Delivery of a giant baby that can demand caesarean section or complication in delivery
  • Premature labour due to Polyhydramnios or too much amniotic fluid surrounding baby
  • Pre-eclampcia or high blood pressure during pregnancy
  • Baby can develop low blood pressure or jaundice
  • A rare condition of Stillbirth, simply loss of baby

How to treat gestational diabetes?

As we know diabetes is a kind of health issue that needs to be controlled, so with a healthy lifestyle, it can be controlled.

After taking all precautions, if you still cannot be able to control gestational diabetes, your physician might prescribe you anti-diabetic drugs.


The American Diabetes Association suggested pregnant woman should control their blood sugar level in fasting phases at 5.3 mmol/L and 2 hours after meal at 6.7 mmol/L. If you cannot control your sugar level, do not worry. Take a deep breath and consult your healthcare specialists for proper management and successful delivery of a healthy baby.

Pharmacologist I Researcher Research Coordinator Working site: Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, Rajshahi, Bangladesh Toxicology Society of Bangladesh